About Us

At The Hay Experts we only focus on healthy and natural products for your little ones.

What we do really isn't about us; it's about the little ones; their welfare, care and happiness. It's at the heart of everything we do.

Our ethos is simple. We wish to provide only the very best, healthy and natural products for our own rabbits (the real hay experts!), and we are sure that as caring owners of such wonderful creatures, this is what you want to do too. We believe that providing as natural a diet as possible will help the little ones in our care to remain healthy and happy. Our company was borne out of the single desire to only sell those products we are 100% happy to give to our own.


We, therefore, work hard to:-

  • Stock only healthy and natural products
  • Do not stock foods felt to be unhealthy or those which could facilitate selective feeding
  • We list both ingredients and typical analysis of all foods (where manufacturers make public this information) to help you make an informed choice for your little ones.
  • Where we know there may be a potential for problem (such as possible calcium/bladder issues arising from high alfalfa consumption), we will highlight this in the product detail so once again you can make an informed choice for your little ones.
  • In three words we stand for nature, wellbeing and integrity.

As a company, and as individuals behind this business, we promote nature, wellbeing and welfare. We also do all we can to conduct our business with integrity and care. If you have any questions, or if we can help you and your little ones, please do get in touch.

We work hard to promote small animal welfare, and have gained extensive knowledge in nutrition and behaviour. In addition we have an Animal Medicines Advisor (SQP) who is able to offer assistance and supply some veterinary medicines under the POM-VPS and NFA-VPS categories, in addition to those covered by the AVM-GLS and SAES licences.

If you would like to check our SQP status, please check the current SQP register, which can be downloaded from the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) website - http://vmd.defra.gov.uk/registers/sqpregister.aspx. Our SQP, Lisa Whitty, is registered for the supply of companion animal medicines under registration number QC30492. Alternatively, you can ring the VMD directly on 01932 336911 to verify both our SQP and VMD company registrations.

Quick Links relating to the use of veterinary medicines:

As a source of reference, we have put together a number of guides covering everything from care and welfare to nutrition, environmental enrichment and everything you could possibly ever want to know about hay! We hope you find these useful - do get in touch if you have any questions or have suggestions for further areas for us to cover.

Keep up to date:

  • Visit our care & welfare page for the latest in advice
  • Our Blog has news and information - and not just on new products!
  • The latest news via our FaceBook page
  • And don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to be among the first to hear about anything special!

As we've already mentioned, our business was borne out of a desire to provide only the very best, and healthy, natural products for our own rabbits. In our efforts to provide a range of good quality hays, we soon realised that our little ones didn't always agree with our view of what made a good hay! There followed a number of years where we were 'educated' in hay selection ... the rabbit way!

We sadly had to say goodbye to our original hay expert, but his legacy remains. We are sure he is happy at Rainbow Bridge knowing his work continues today.

So come and meet the hay experts (and now toy, treat and chew experts too!) 'working' with us today...it's a tough job testing all our goodies, as you can imagine!

Name: Noonie

  • Job description: Chief Product Tester
  • Breed: Lionhead
  • Age: Ladies never divulge their age, and it's rude to ask.
  • Loves: Fenugreek Crunchies. Well, who doesn't?!
  • Hates: Having her toes nails trimmed. Her displeasure is usually expressed by using her teeth. On human flesh is best.
  • Specialist Skill: Selecting that single perfect strand of hay from an entire bale. Ideally making a huge mess in the process.

Name: Billy

  • Job description: Treats Tester ... and all round good fellow
  • Breed: Dwarf Lop
  • Age: Not yet old enough to have to be sensible
  • Loves: Harrassing the cat. Food
  • Hates: When it rains
  • Specialist Skill: Digging out ants nests (really!). Oh, and sniffing out a fenugreek crunchie at a thousand paces

Name: Dinkie

  • Job description: Hay Tester and Litter Tester (aka Litter Digger!)
  • Breed: Dwarf Lop
  • Age: I'm with Noonie on this one!
  • Loves: Spinning in the litter tray. Don't laugh - try it - it's fun!
  • Hates: Being anywhere Billy isn't
  • Specialist Skill: Digging out the litter tray in under 30 seconds flat

Is Your Little One an Associate Hay Expert?

So what specialist skills do your little ones have? Don't worry, they don't have to be a rabbit! Do they love their hay? We'd love to hear from you about your little ones - and if yours have a specialist skill we'd love to add them to our Associate Hay Experts Gallery!