World Rat Day: Clever & Cute!

World Rat Day: Clever & Cute!

World Rat Day: Clever & Cute!

by Julie Etheridge

Today we celebrate these cute, cuddly and very intelligent rodents.  Sadly there are many stories and misconceptions about rats being dirty and disease ridden, and they are often portrayed as scary and vicious, but did you know that pet rats are clean, social creatures who make excellent pets?!

And just look at those sweet little faces .... how could anyone not adore them?!

Welcome home, Ratty!

If you are considering having a rat (or two!) as a pet they are not difficult to care for correctly.  They will require a cage with a solid floor and enough space to allow for some exercise - this should be a minimum of 90x60x120cm for a pair of rats as can be seen on the BlueCross Charity Rat Advice page. A multi-level cage is ideal to encourage climbing and there should be a separate area for feeding and nesting.

A heavy ceramic food bowl is ideal so it can't be tipped over too easily, and a water bottle with a sipper tube can also be used.  

As for food, rats are omnivores, meaning they enjoy a combination of fresh fruits, meats and veggies and a small portion of rat pellets or cube food each day for a balanced diet - plus the occasional treat, of course!

And as always, make sure there is fresh and clean water available at all times.

Play time!

Once these smart rodents have their cosy home, they will need to be kept busy - so toys and treats inside their cage are essential - as is time outside of the cage in a safe (and rat-proof!) environment.  Hiding treats or pellets around the cage as well as putting them in their food bowl is great for stimulation, as is changing toys around every few days to keep up the challenge ... it's important us humans stay one step ahead!

There are many interactive toys available that require your rat to solve puzzles to get their treat, and these can be great fun both inside and outside the cage.  In addition, at least an hour a day out of the cage is recommended for exercise.  

Tubes, boxes and other household objects such as plastic pipes and rope can all be adapted and combined to create a fun play zone.  


Wecome Home, Mr Rat!

A Few Ratty Facts!

As rats are only the 12th most popular pet in the UK, alongside gerbils, there are many things about rats that are not commonly known. And some things rats do are downright boggling!!

Boggling ... Yup, it's a thing!!

Rats boggle! And its' meaning can be a bit ... boggling! Sometimes rats can boggle (or brux, as it is also called) when they're happy or excited, and sometimes when they're in pain or stressed so it's all about context and interpreting all of the body language. When boggling, rats use their jaws to chatter and grind their teeth and as the jaw muscles are close to their eyes, this can have a boggling effect!

Not the Tail!

Did you know you should never pick a rat up by its tail, as this causes pain and possible damage to their spine, especially in older rats. The best way to pick up your ratty friend is to scoop them up with your hand under their chest, supporting their bottom for security!

Let's Get Social!

Rats love companionship of their own kind, and can get sad if they are lonely! They will also create their own social networks if in a group of more than two. And to avoid any issues, a same sex group is recommended, of course!

A Tall Tail!

A rat’s tail grows to between 6 and 8 inches in length and is covered in tiny, smooth scales that can darken with age, dry weather or dirt and debris.

They are also covered in fine short hairs which can be white, black, brown or a mixture of all of these on one tail. The tail is sensitive to the touch and causes discomfort to the rat if rubbed against the direction of growth - so stroke with care! 

Cool for Rats - Another Tall Tail!

Amazingly, rats don't pant or sweat so regulating their body temperature is done by dilating or constricting blood vessels in the tail.  

When a rat gets too warm, the vessels swell, drawing warm blood from the body and cooling it through the surface of the tails skin.  The blood then returns to the body at a cooler temperature.  How cool is that?!

And in case you were wondering, a rat would actually overheat if they had a fluffy tail! 


Celebrate Rat!

Rats really are very intelligent friendly pets who often form strong bonds with their owners, making them amazing companions for people of all ages - not the smelly creatures they are often portrayed as.

So today of all days, let’s celebrate all things RAT!



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